import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging
from scipy.stats import logistic, norm
import time
from copy import deepcopy
import foehnix
from foehnix.families import Family, initialize_family
from foehnix.foehnix_filter import foehnix_filter
from foehnix.iwls_logit import iwls_logit, iwls_summary
import foehnix.foehnix_functions as func
from foehnix import model_plots, analysis_plots
# logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Control:
Foehnix Two-Component Mixture-Model Control Object
Can be passed to the Foehnix class or will be initialized
[docs] def __init__(self, family, switch, left=float('-Inf'), right=float('Inf'),
truncated=False, standardize=True, maxit=100, tol=1e-8,
force_inflate=False, verbose=True):
Initialization of the Control object
family : str or :py:class:`foehnix.Family`
specifying the distribution of the components in the mixture model.
- 'gaussian'
- 'logistic'
- :py:class:`foehnix.Family`
switch : bool
whether or not the two components should be switched.
- ``False`` (default): the component which shows higher values
within the predictor is assumed to be the foehn cluster.
- ``True``: lower values are assumed to be the foehn cluster.
left : float
left censoring or truncation point. Default `-Inf`
right : float
right censoring or truncation point. Default `Inf`
truncated : bool
If ``True`` truncation is used instead of censoring. This only
affects the model if ``left`` and/or ``right`` are specified.
standardize : bool
Defines whether or not the model matrix for the concomitant model
should be standardized for model estimation. Recommended.
maxit : int or [int, int]
Maximum number of iterations for the iterative solvers.
Default is 100. If a vector of length 2 is provided the first value
is used for the EM algorithm, the second for the IWLS backfitting.
tol : float or [float, float]
Tolerance defining when convergence of the iterative solvers is
reached. Default is 1e-8. If a vector of length 2 is provided the
first value is used for the EM algorithm, the second for the IWLS
force_inflate : bool
:py:class:`foehnix.Foehnix` will create a strictly regular time
series by inflating the data to the smallest time intervall in the
data set. If the inflation rate is larger than 2 the model will
stop except the user forces inflation by specifying
``force_inflate = True``. This can cause a serious runtime
increase. Default is False.
verbose : bool or str
Sets the verbose level of the model logging
- True (default): Information on most tasks will be provided
- False: Only critical errors and warnings will be provided
- 'DEBUG': More detailed information will be provided
# check switch
if not isinstance(switch, bool):
raise ValueError('switch is mandatory and either True or False')
# set logging
if verbose is True:
logging_level = 'INFO'
elif verbose is False:
logging_level = 'CRITICAL'
elif verbose == 'DEBUG':
logging_level = 'DEBUG'
raise ValueError("Verbose must be one of True, False or 'DEBUG'.")
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s: %(name)s: %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
level=getattr(logging, logging_level))
# keep matplotlib logger at original level or it'll get noisy at DEBUG
# Check limits for censoring/truncation
if np.isfinite([left, right]).any():
left = np.max([-np.inf, left])
right = np.min([np.inf, right])
if left >= right:
raise ValueError('For censoring and truncation left must be '
'smaller than right.')
# Check if family object is provided or initialize it
if isinstance(family, Family):
log.debug('custom foehnix.Family object provided.')
elif family == 'gaussian' or family == 'logistic': = initialize_family(familyname=family, left=left,
right=right, truncated=truncated)
raise ValueError('family must be a foehnix-family object or one of'
' "gaussian" or "logistic".')
# Maxit and tol are the maximum number of iterations for the
# optimization. Need to be numeric. If one value is given it will
# be used for both, the EM algorithm and the IWLS optimization for
# the concomitants. If two values are given the first one is used
# for the EM algorithm, the second for the IWLS solver.
if isinstance(maxit, int):
self.maxit_em = maxit
self.maxit_iwls = maxit
elif np.size(maxit) == 2 and np.isfinite(maxit).all():
self.maxit_em = maxit[0]
self.maxit_iwls = maxit[1]
raise ValueError('maxit must be single integer or list of len 2')
if self.maxit_em == 0:
log.critical('Iteration limit for the EM algorithm is turned off! '
'If the optimization fails to converge it will run '
'forever ever...')
if self.maxit_iwls == 0:
log.critical('Iteration limit for the IWLS solver is turned off! '
'If the optimization fails to converge it will run '
'forever ever...')
if isinstance(tol, float):
self.tol_em = tol
self.tol_iwls = tol
elif np.size(tol) == 2 and np.isreal(tol).all():
self.tol_em = tol[0]
self.tol_iwls = tol[1]
raise ValueError('tol must be single float or list of length 2')
self.switch = switch
self.left = left
self.right = right
self.truncated = truncated
self.standardize = standardize
self.force_inflate = force_inflate
if switch:
switchmsg = 'True (higher predictor values are foehn cluster)'
switchmsg = 'False (lower predictor values are foehn cluster)'
log.debug('foehnix control object successfully initialised:\n'
'Distribution family: %s\n'
'Switch: %s\n'
'Maximum iterations of the EM algorithm: %d\n'
'Maximum iterations of the IWLS optimization: %d\n'
% (family, switchmsg, self.maxit_em, self.maxit_iwls))
[docs]class Foehnix:
Foehn Classification Based on a Two-Component Mixture Model
This is the main method of the foehnix package to estimate two-component
mixture models for automated foehn classification.
[docs] def __init__(self, predictor, data, concomitant=None, switch=False,
filter_method=None, family='gaussian', control=None,
""" Initialize parmeters which all methods need.
predictor : str
Name of the main predictor (covariate) variable which is used to
identify the foehn/no-foehn cluster. Must be present in ``data``.
data : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`
Index must be a time object, rows must contain neccesary data
concomitant : str or list of str
Name(s) of the covariates for the concomitant model. Must be
present in ``data``. If None (default), a mixture model without
concomitants will be initialized.
switch : bool
- ``False`` (default) if higher values of covariate ``y`` are
assumed to be the foehn cluster.
- ``True`` if lower values are the foehn cluster.
filter_method : dict, function or None
Evaluates a filter on the data. E.g. a filter on the wind direction
data to only use data from within a certain wind sector. See
:py:class:`foehnix.foehnix_filter` for details on the syntax.
family : str or foehnix.Family class
- 'gaussian' (default)
- 'logistic'
control : :py:class:`foehnix.foehnix.Control`
If None (default) it will be initialized.
kwargs : kwargs to pass to the control function
# Log execution time of foehnix
start_time = time.time()
# Initialize Control
if not isinstance(control, Control):
control = Control(family, switch, **kwargs)
log.debug('Foehnix Control object initialized.')
# Handle multiple concomitants as list of strings:
if isinstance(concomitant, str):
concomitant = [concomitant]
elif concomitant is None:
concomitant = []
# Check if predictor and concomitant have sensible values
if predictor not in data:
raise ValueError('Predictor variable not found in data')
for con in concomitant:
if con not in data:
raise ValueError('Concomitant "%s" not found in data' % con)
# make a copy of the data frame, do not mess with the original = deepcopy(data)
# Convert index to datetime = pd.to_datetime(
# check if regular
if not
raise RuntimeError('DataFrame index is not monotonic increasing!')
# calculate minimal difference to make data strictly increasing
mindiff =
inflated =
lendata = len(
if (inflated/lendata > 2) and (control.force_inflate is False):
log.critical('You have provided a time series object spanning the '
'time period %s to %s \n'
'The smallest recorded time interval is %d hours. '
'foehnix tries to inflate the time series to create '
'a strictly regular time series object which, in '
'this case, would yield a data set of dimension '
'%d x %d (%d values) which is %.2f times the '
'original data set. To avoid running into memory '
'issues foehnix stops here! We ask you to check your '
'data set.\n'
'This condition can be overruled by setting the '
'input argument ``force_inflate = True`` if needed. '
'For more details please read the foehnix.control '
'manual page.' % ([0],[-1],
raise RuntimeError('DataFrame gets inflated, see log for details!')
# Keep the number of observations (rows) added due to inflation.
n_inflated = inflated - lendata
# if inflation is ok or forced, create strictly increasing dataframe
# with minimal spacing =
# create a subset of the needed data
columns = concomitant + [predictor]
subset =, axis=1).copy()
# create index where predictor or concomitant is NaN
idx_notnan = subset.dropna().index
# Apply foehnix filter
filter_obj = foehnix_filter(, filter_method=filter_method,
cols=concomitant + [predictor])
# Take all elements which are not NaN and which are within
# filter_obj['good']
idx_take = idx_notnan[idx_notnan.isin(filter_obj['good'])]
if len(idx_take) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('No data left after applying required filters.')
# check if we have columns with constant values.
# This would lead to a non-identifiable problem
if (subset.loc[idx_take].nunique() == 1).any():
raise RuntimeError('Columns with constant values in the data!')
# and trim data to final size
y = subset.loc[idx_take, predictor].values.copy()
y = y.reshape(len(y), 1)
if len(concomitant) > 0:
ix = np.arange(len(y))
cols = ['Intercept'] + concomitant
vals = pd.DataFrame([], columns=cols, index=ix, dtype=float)
for col in cols:
if col == 'Intercept':
vals.loc[ix, col] = 1
vals.loc[ix, col] = subset.loc[idx_take, col].values
scale = vals.std()
center = vals.mean()
# If std == 0 (e.g. for the Intercept), set center=0 and scale=1
center[scale == 0] = 0
scale[scale == 0] = 1
logitx = {'values': vals,
'scale': scale,
'center': center,
'is_standardized': False}
# standardize data if control.standardize = True (default)
if control.standardize is True:
# TODO trncated check for filter, bzw erstmal ganz raus
# If truncated family is used: y has to lie within the truncation
# points as density is not defined outside the range ]left, right[.
if (control.truncated is True) and (
(y.min() < control.left) or (y.max() > control.right)):
log.critical('Data %s outside of specified range for truncation '
'(left = %.2f, right = %.2f)' % (predictor,
raise ValueError('Data exceeds truncation range, log for details')
# - Call the according model
self.optimizer = None
if len(concomitant) == 0:'Calling Foehnix.no_concomitant_fit')
self.no_concomitant_fit(y, control)
else:'Calling Foehnix.unreg_fit')
self.unreg_fit(y, logitx, control)'Estimation finished, create final object.')
# Final coefficients of the concomitant model have to be destandardized
if self.optimizer['ccmodel'] is not None:
if logitx['is_standardized'] is True:
coef = func.destandardized_coefficients(
self.optimizer['ccmodel']['coef'], logitx)
coef = self.optimizer['ccmodel']['coef']
coef = None
# If there was only one iteration: drop a warning
if self.optimizer['iter'] == 1:
log.critical('The EM algorithm stopped after one iteration!\n'
'The coefficients returned are the initial '
'coefficients. This indicates that the model as '
'specified is not suitable for the data. Suggestion: '
'check model (e.g, using model.plot() and '
'model.summary(detailed = True) and try a different '
'model specification (change/add concomitants).')
# store relevant data within the Foehnix class
self.filter_method = filter_method
self.filter_obj = filter_obj
self.predictor = predictor
self.concomitant = concomitant
self.control = control
self.switch = switch
self.coef = pd.Series(self.optimizer['theta']).copy()
self.coef['concomitants'] = coef
self.inflated = n_inflated
self.predictions = None
# Calculate the weighted standard error of the estimated
# coefficients for the test statistics.
# 1. calculate weighted sum of squared residuals for both components
res_c1 = (y - self.coef['mu1']) * (1 - self.optimizer['post'])
res_c2 = (y - self.coef['mu2']) * self.optimizer['post']
mu1_se = np.sqrt(np.sum(res_c1**2) /
(np.sum((1 - self.optimizer['post'])**2) *
(np.sum(1 - self.optimizer['post']) - 1)))
mu2_se = np.sqrt(np.sum(res_c2**2) /
(np.sum(self.optimizer['post']**2) *
(np.sum(self.optimizer['post']) - 1)))
# Standard errors for intercept of mu1(component1) and mu2(component2)
self.mu_se = {'mu1_se': mu1_se,
'mu2_se': mu2_se}
# The final result, the foehn probability. Creates an object of the
# same class as the input "data" (currently only pandas.DataFrame!)
# with two columns. The first contains the final foehn probability
# (column name prob), the second column contains a flag. The flag is as
# follows:
# - NaN if not modelled (data for the model not available).
# - 0 if foehn probability has been modelled, data not left out due
# to the filter rules.
# - 1 if the filter removed the observations/sample, not used for
# the foehn classification model, but no missing observations.
# The following procedure is used:
# - By default, use NaN for both columns.
# - If probabilities modelled: set first column to the modelled
# a-posteriory probability, set the second column to TRUE.
# - If observations removed due to the filter options: set first column
# to 0 (probability for foehn is 0), set the second column to FALSE.
# Foehn probability (a-posteriori probability)
tmp = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['prob', 'flag'],,
# Store a-posteriory probability and flag = TRUE
tmp.loc[idx_take, 'prob'] = self.optimizer['post'].reshape(len(y))
tmp.loc[idx_take, 'flag'] = 1.0
# Store prob = 0 and flag=0 where removed due to filter rule
tmp.loc[filter_obj['bad']] = 0.0
# store in self
self.prob = tmp.copy()
# Store execution time in seconds
self.time = time.time() - start_time
[docs] def no_concomitant_fit(self, y, control):
"""Fitting foehnix Mixture Model Without Concomitant Model.
y : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
Covariate for the components of the mixture model
control : :py:class:`foehnix.foehnix.Control`
Foehnix control object
# Given the initial probabilities: calculate parameters for the two
# components (mu1, logsd1, mu2, logsd2) given the selected family and
# calculate the a-posteriori probabilities.
z = np.zeros_like(y)
if control.switch:
z[y <= np.mean(y)] = 1
z[y >= np.mean(y)] = 1
theta =, z, init=True) # M-step
# Initial probability (fifty fifty) and inital prior probabilites for
# the component membership.
prob = np.mean(z)
post =, prob, theta)
# EM algorithm: estimate probabilities (prob; E-step), update the model
# given the new probabilities (M-step). Always with respect to the
# selected family.
i = 0 # iteration variable
delta = 1 # likelihood difference between to iteration: break criteria
converged = True # Set to False if we do not converge before maxit
# DataFrames to trace log-likelihood path and the development of
# the coefficients during EM optimization.
coefpath = pd.DataFrame([], columns=list(theta.keys()))
llpath = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['component', 'concomitant', 'full'])
while delta > control.tol_em:
# check if we converged
if (i > 0) and (i == control.maxit_em):
converged = False
# increase iteration variable, here to store 1st iteration as 1
i += 1
# M-step: update probabilites and theta
prob = np.mean(post)
# theta =, post, theta=theta)
theta =, post)
# E-step: calculate a-posteriori probability
post =, np.mean(prob), theta)
# Store log-likelihood and coefficients of the current iteration.
_ll =, post, prob, theta)
llpath.loc[i, _ll.keys()] = _ll
coefpath.loc[i, theta.keys()] = theta'EM iteration %d/%d, ll = %10.2f' % (i, control.maxit_em,
if np.isnan(_ll['full']):
log.critical('Likelihood got NaN!')
raise RuntimeError('Likelihood got NaN!')
# update liklihood difference
if i > 1:
delta = llpath.iloc[-1].full - llpath.iloc[-2].full
# If converged, remove last likelihood and coefficient entries
if converged:
llpath = llpath.iloc[:-1]
coefpath = coefpath.iloc[:-1]
ll = llpath.iloc[-1].full
# effective degree of freedom
edf = coefpath.shape[1]
# create results dict
fdict = {'prob': prob,
'post': post,
'theta': theta,
'loglik': ll,
'edf': edf,
'AIC': -2 * ll + 2 * edf,
'BIC': -2 * ll + np.log(len(y)) * edf,
'ccmodel': None,
'loglikpath': llpath,
'coefpath': coefpath,
'converged': converged,
'iter': i}
self.optimizer = fdict
[docs] def unreg_fit(self, y, logitx, control):
"""Fitting unregularized foehnix Mixture Model with Concomitant Model.
y : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
Covariate for the components of the mixture model
logitx : dict
Covariats for the concomitant model
Must contain:
- ``'values'`` : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` the model matrix
- ``'center'`` : :py:class:`pandas.Series`, containing the mean of
each model matrix row
- ``'scale'`` : :py:class:`pandas:Series`, containing the standard
deviation of matrix rows
- ``'is_standardized'``: boolean if matrix is standardized
control : :py:class:`foehnix.foehnix.Control`
Foehnix control object
# Given the initial probabilities: calculate parameters for the two
# components (mu1, logsd1, mu2, logsd2) given the selected family and
# calculate the a-posteriori probabilities.
z = np.zeros_like(y)
if control.switch:
z[y <= np.mean(y)] = 1
z[y >= np.mean(y)] = 1
theta =, z, init=True) # M-step
# Initial probability: fifty/fifty!
# Force standardize = FALSE. If required logitX has alreday been
# standardized in the parent function (foehnix)
ccmodel = iwls_logit(logitx, z, standardize=False,
maxit=control.maxit_iwls, tol=control.tol_iwls)
# Initial probabilities and prior probabilities
prob = logistic.cdf(logitx['values']['beta']))
post =, prob, theta)
# EM algorithm: estimate probabilities (prob; E-step), update the model
# given the new probabilities (M-step). Always with respect to the
# selected family.
i = 0 # iteration variable
delta = 1 # likelihood difference between to iteration: break criteria
converged = True # Set to False if we do not converge before maxit
# DataFrames to trace log-likelihood path and the development of
# the coefficients during EM optimization.
coefpath = pd.DataFrame([], columns=list(theta.keys()) +
llpath = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['component', 'concomitant', 'full'])
while delta > control.tol_em:
# check if we converged
if (i > 0) and (i == control.maxit_em):
converged = False
# increase iteration variable, here to store 1st iteration as 1
i += 1
# M-step: update probabilites and theta
ccmodel = iwls_logit(logitx, post, beta=ccmodel['beta'],
prob = logistic.cdf(logitx['values'].dot(ccmodel['beta']))
theta =, post)
# E-step: update expected a-posteriori
post =, prob, theta)
# Store log-likelihood and coefficients of the current iteration.
_ll =, post, prob, theta)
llpath.loc[i, _ll.keys()] = _ll
coefpath.loc[i, theta.keys()] = theta
coefpath.loc[i, ccmodel['coef'].index] = ccmodel['beta'].squeeze()'EM iteration %d/%d, ll = %10.2f' % (i, control.maxit_em,
# update liklihood difference
if i > 1:
delta = llpath.iloc[-1].full - llpath.iloc[-2].full
# If converged, remove last likelihood and coefficient entries
if converged:
llpath = llpath.iloc[:-1]
coefpath = coefpath.iloc[:-1]
ll = llpath.iloc[-1].full
# effective degree of freedom
edf = coefpath.shape[1]
# create results dict
fdict = {'prob': prob,
'post': post,
'theta': theta,
'loglik': ll,
'edf': edf,
'AIC': -2 * ll + 2 * edf,
'BIC': -2 * ll + np.log(len(y)) * edf,
'ccmodel': ccmodel,
'loglikpath': llpath,
'coefpath': coefpath,
'converged': converged,
'iter': i}
self.optimizer = fdict
[docs] def predict(self, newdata=None, returntype='response'):
Predict method for foehnix Mixture Models
Used for prediction (perform foehn diagnosis given the estimated
parameters on a new data set (``newdata``). If non new data set is
provided (``newdata = None``) the prediction is made on the internal
data set, the data set which has been used to train the
foehnix mixture model.
If a new data set is provided the foehn diagnosis will be performed on
this new data set, e.g., based on a set of new observations when using
foehnix for operational near real time foehn diagnosis.
Predictions will be stored in ``self.predictions``.
newdata : None or :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`
``None`` (default) will return the prediction of the unerlying
training data. If a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` provided, which
contains the required variables used for model fitting and
filtering, a prediction for this new data set will be returned.
returntype : str
One of:
- ``'response'`` (default), to return the foehn probabilities
- ``'all'``, the following additional values will be returned:
- ``density1``, density of the first component of the mixture
- ``density2``, density of the second component (foehn
component) of the mixture model
- ``ccmodel``, probability from the concomitant model
if (returntype != 'response') and (returntype != 'all'):
raise ValueError('Returntype must be "response" or "all".')
# If no new data is provided, use the date which has been fitted
if newdata is None:
newdata = deepcopy(
if len(self.concomitant) == 0:
prob = np.mean(self.optimizer['prob'])
logitx = np.ones([len(newdata), len(self.concomitant)+1])
concomitants = np.zeros((len(self.concomitant)+1, 1))
concomitants[0] = self.coef['concomitants']['Intercept']
for nr, conc in enumerate(self.concomitant):
logitx[:, nr+1] = newdata.loc[:, conc].values.copy()
concomitants[nr+1] = self.coef['concomitants'][conc]
prob = logistic.cdf(
# calculate density
y = newdata.loc[:, self.predictor].values.copy()
y = y.reshape(len(y), 1)
d1 =, self.coef['mu1'],
d2 =, self.coef['mu2'],
post =, prob, self.coef)
# Apply wind filter on newdata to get the good, the bad, and the ugly.
filter_obj = foehnix_filter(newdata, filter_method=self.filter_method)
resp = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['prob', 'flag'], index=newdata.index,
resp.loc[:, 'flag'] = 1
resp.loc[:, 'prob'] = post
resp.loc[filter_obj['ugly']] = np.nan
resp.loc[filter_obj['bad']] = 0
if returntype == 'all':
resp.loc[:, 'density1'] = d1
resp.loc[:, 'density2'] = d2
resp.loc[:, 'ccmodel'] = prob
self.predictions = resp
[docs] def summary(self, detailed=False):
Prints information about the model
E.g. number of observations used for the classification,
the filter and its effect, and the corresponding information criteria.
detailed : bool
If True, additional information will be printed
sum_na = self.prob.isna().sum()['flag']
sum_0 = (self.prob['flag'] == 0).sum()
sum_1 = (self.prob['flag'] == 1).sum()
mean_n = self.prob.notna().sum()['flag']
mean_occ = 100 * (self.prob['prob'] >= .5).sum() / mean_n
mean_prob = 100 * self.prob['prob'][self.prob['flag'].notna()].mean()
# Additional information about the data/model
nr = len(self.prob)
print("\nNumber of observations (total) %8d (%d due to inflation)" %
(nr, self.inflated))
print("Removed due to missing values %9d (%3.1f percent)" %
(sum_na, sum_na / nr * 100))
print("Outside defined wind sector %11d (%3.1f percent)" %
(sum_0, sum_0 / nr * 100))
print("Used for classification %15d (%3.1f percent)" %
(sum_1, sum_1 / nr * 100))
print("\nClimatological foehn occurance %.2f percent (on n = %d)" %
(mean_occ, mean_n))
print("Mean foehn probability %.2f percent (on n = %d)" %
(mean_prob, mean_n))
print("\nLog-likelihood: %.1f, %d effective degrees of freedom" %
(self.optimizer['loglik'], self.optimizer['edf']))
print("Corresponding AIC = %.1f, BIC = %.1f\n" %
(self.optimizer['AIC'], self.optimizer['BIC']))
print("Number of EM iterations %d/%d (%s)" %
(self.optimizer['iter'], self.control.maxit_em,
('converged' if self.optimizer['converged']
else 'not converged')))
if self.time < 60:
print("Time required for model estimation: %.1f seconds" %
print("Time required for model estimation: %.1f minutes" %
if detailed:
# t value and corresponding p value based on a gaussian or t-test
tmp = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['Estimate', 'Std. Error',
't_value', 'Pr(>|t|)'],
index=['(Intercept).1', '(Intercept).2'],
tmp.loc['(Intercept).1', 'Estimate'] = self.coef['mu1']
tmp.loc['(Intercept).2', 'Estimate'] = self.coef['mu2']
tmp.loc['(Intercept).1', 'Std. Error'] = self.mu_se['mu1_se']
tmp.loc['(Intercept).2', 'Std. Error'] = self.mu_se['mu2_se']
tmp.loc[:, 't_value'] = (tmp.loc[:, 'Estimate'] /
tmp.loc[:, 'Std. Error'])
tmp.loc[:, 'Pr(>|t|)'] = 2 * norm.pdf(0, loc=tmp.loc[:, 't_value'])
print('Components: t test of coefficients\n')
# If concomitants are used, print summary
if self.optimizer['ccmodel'] is not None:
[docs] def plot(self, which, **kwargs):
Plotting method, helper function.
which : str or list of strings
string(s) to select a specific plotting function. Available:
- ``loglik`` (default) :py:class:`foehnix.model_plots.loglik`
- ``loglikcontribution``
- ``coef`` :py:class:`foehnix.model_plots.coef`
additional keyword-arguments to pass to the plotting functions.
See description of the individual functions for details.
if isinstance(which, str):
which = [which]
elif not isinstance(which, list):
raise ValueError('Argument must be string or list of strings.')
for i in which:
if i == 'loglik':
model_plots.loglik(self, **kwargs)
elif i == 'loglikcontribution':
model_plots.loglikcontribution(self, **kwargs)
elif i == 'coef':
model_plots.coef(self, **kwargs)
elif i == 'hist':
elif i == 'timeseries':
analysis_plots.tsplot(self, **kwargs)
elif i == 'image':
analysis_plots.image(self, **kwargs)
log.critical('Skipping "%s", not a valid plot argument' % i)