Source code for foehnix.foehnix

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging
from scipy.stats import logistic, norm
import time
from copy import deepcopy

import foehnix
from foehnix.families import Family, initialize_family
from foehnix.foehnix_filter import foehnix_filter
from foehnix.iwls_logit import iwls_logit, iwls_summary
import foehnix.foehnix_functions as func
from foehnix import model_plots, analysis_plots

# logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Control: """ Foehnix Two-Component Mixture-Model Control Object Can be passed to the Foehnix class or will be initialized """
[docs] def __init__(self, family, switch, left=float('-Inf'), right=float('Inf'), truncated=False, standardize=True, maxit=100, tol=1e-8, force_inflate=False, verbose=True): """ Initialization of the Control object Parameters ---------- family : str or :py:class:`foehnix.Family` specifying the distribution of the components in the mixture model. - 'gaussian' - 'logistic' - :py:class:`foehnix.Family` switch : bool whether or not the two components should be switched. - ``False`` (default): the component which shows higher values within the predictor is assumed to be the foehn cluster. - ``True``: lower values are assumed to be the foehn cluster. left : float left censoring or truncation point. Default `-Inf` right : float right censoring or truncation point. Default `Inf` truncated : bool If ``True`` truncation is used instead of censoring. This only affects the model if ``left`` and/or ``right`` are specified. standardize : bool Defines whether or not the model matrix for the concomitant model should be standardized for model estimation. Recommended. maxit : int or [int, int] Maximum number of iterations for the iterative solvers. Default is 100. If a vector of length 2 is provided the first value is used for the EM algorithm, the second for the IWLS backfitting. tol : float or [float, float] Tolerance defining when convergence of the iterative solvers is reached. Default is 1e-8. If a vector of length 2 is provided the first value is used for the EM algorithm, the second for the IWLS backfitting. force_inflate : bool :py:class:`foehnix.Foehnix` will create a strictly regular time series by inflating the data to the smallest time intervall in the data set. If the inflation rate is larger than 2 the model will stop except the user forces inflation by specifying ``force_inflate = True``. This can cause a serious runtime increase. Default is False. verbose : bool or str Sets the verbose level of the model logging - True (default): Information on most tasks will be provided - False: Only critical errors and warnings will be provided - 'DEBUG': More detailed information will be provided """ # check switch if not isinstance(switch, bool): raise ValueError('switch is mandatory and either True or False') # set logging if verbose is True: logging_level = 'INFO' elif verbose is False: logging_level = 'CRITICAL' elif verbose == 'DEBUG': logging_level = 'DEBUG' else: raise ValueError("Verbose must be one of True, False or 'DEBUG'.") logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s: %(name)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', level=getattr(logging, logging_level)) # keep matplotlib logger at original level or it'll get noisy at DEBUG logging.getLogger('matplotlib').setLevel(30) # Check limits for censoring/truncation if np.isfinite([left, right]).any(): left = np.max([-np.inf, left]) right = np.min([np.inf, right]) if left >= right: raise ValueError('For censoring and truncation left must be ' 'smaller than right.') # Check if family object is provided or initialize it if isinstance(family, Family): log.debug('custom foehnix.Family object provided.') elif family == 'gaussian' or family == 'logistic': = initialize_family(familyname=family, left=left, right=right, truncated=truncated) else: raise ValueError('family must be a foehnix-family object or one of' ' "gaussian" or "logistic".') # Maxit and tol are the maximum number of iterations for the # optimization. Need to be numeric. If one value is given it will # be used for both, the EM algorithm and the IWLS optimization for # the concomitants. If two values are given the first one is used # for the EM algorithm, the second for the IWLS solver. if isinstance(maxit, int): self.maxit_em = maxit self.maxit_iwls = maxit elif np.size(maxit) == 2 and np.isfinite(maxit).all(): self.maxit_em = maxit[0] self.maxit_iwls = maxit[1] else: raise ValueError('maxit must be single integer or list of len 2') if self.maxit_em == 0: log.critical('Iteration limit for the EM algorithm is turned off! ' 'If the optimization fails to converge it will run ' 'forever ever...') if self.maxit_iwls == 0: log.critical('Iteration limit for the IWLS solver is turned off! ' 'If the optimization fails to converge it will run ' 'forever ever...') if isinstance(tol, float): self.tol_em = tol self.tol_iwls = tol elif np.size(tol) == 2 and np.isreal(tol).all(): self.tol_em = tol[0] self.tol_iwls = tol[1] else: raise ValueError('tol must be single float or list of length 2') self.switch = switch self.left = left self.right = right self.truncated = truncated self.standardize = standardize self.force_inflate = force_inflate if switch: switchmsg = 'True (higher predictor values are foehn cluster)' else: switchmsg = 'False (lower predictor values are foehn cluster)' log.debug('foehnix control object successfully initialised:\n' 'Distribution family: %s\n' 'Switch: %s\n' 'Maximum iterations of the EM algorithm: %d\n' 'Maximum iterations of the IWLS optimization: %d\n' % (family, switchmsg, self.maxit_em, self.maxit_iwls))
[docs]class Foehnix: """ Foehn Classification Based on a Two-Component Mixture Model This is the main method of the foehnix package to estimate two-component mixture models for automated foehn classification. """
[docs] def __init__(self, predictor, data, concomitant=None, switch=False, filter_method=None, family='gaussian', control=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize parmeters which all methods need. Parameters ---------- predictor : str Name of the main predictor (covariate) variable which is used to identify the foehn/no-foehn cluster. Must be present in ``data``. data : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` Index must be a time object, rows must contain neccesary data concomitant : str or list of str Name(s) of the covariates for the concomitant model. Must be present in ``data``. If None (default), a mixture model without concomitants will be initialized. switch : bool - ``False`` (default) if higher values of covariate ``y`` are assumed to be the foehn cluster. - ``True`` if lower values are the foehn cluster. filter_method : dict, function or None Evaluates a filter on the data. E.g. a filter on the wind direction data to only use data from within a certain wind sector. See :py:class:`foehnix.foehnix_filter` for details on the syntax. family : str or foehnix.Family class - 'gaussian' (default) - 'logistic' control : :py:class:`foehnix.foehnix.Control` If None (default) it will be initialized. kwargs : kwargs to pass to the control function """ # Log execution time of foehnix start_time = time.time() # Initialize Control if not isinstance(control, Control): control = Control(family, switch, **kwargs) log.debug('Foehnix Control object initialized.') # Handle multiple concomitants as list of strings: if isinstance(concomitant, str): concomitant = [concomitant] elif concomitant is None: concomitant = [] # Check if predictor and concomitant have sensible values if predictor not in data: raise ValueError('Predictor variable not found in data') for con in concomitant: if con not in data: raise ValueError('Concomitant "%s" not found in data' % con) # make a copy of the data frame, do not mess with the original = deepcopy(data) # Convert index to datetime = pd.to_datetime( # check if regular if not raise RuntimeError('DataFrame index is not monotonic increasing!') # calculate minimal difference to make data strictly increasing mindiff = inflated = lendata = len( if (inflated/lendata > 2) and (control.force_inflate is False): log.critical('You have provided a time series object spanning the ' 'time period %s to %s \n' 'The smallest recorded time interval is %d hours. ' 'foehnix tries to inflate the time series to create ' 'a strictly regular time series object which, in ' 'this case, would yield a data set of dimension ' '%d x %d (%d values) which is %.2f times the ' 'original data set. To avoid running into memory ' 'issues foehnix stops here! We ask you to check your ' 'data set.\n' 'This condition can be overruled by setting the ' 'input argument ``force_inflate = True`` if needed. ' 'For more details please read the foehnix.control ' 'manual page.' % ([0],[-1], mindiff.seconds/3600, inflated,[1], inflated*[1], inflated/lendata)) raise RuntimeError('DataFrame gets inflated, see log for details!') # Keep the number of observations (rows) added due to inflation. n_inflated = inflated - lendata # if inflation is ok or forced, create strictly increasing dataframe # with minimal spacing = # create a subset of the needed data columns = concomitant + [predictor] subset =, axis=1).copy() # create index where predictor or concomitant is NaN idx_notnan = subset.dropna().index # Apply foehnix filter filter_obj = foehnix_filter(, filter_method=filter_method, cols=concomitant + [predictor]) # Take all elements which are not NaN and which are within # filter_obj['good'] idx_take = idx_notnan[idx_notnan.isin(filter_obj['good'])] if len(idx_take) == 0: raise RuntimeError('No data left after applying required filters.') # check if we have columns with constant values. # This would lead to a non-identifiable problem if (subset.loc[idx_take].nunique() == 1).any(): raise RuntimeError('Columns with constant values in the data!') # and trim data to final size y = subset.loc[idx_take, predictor].values.copy() y = y.reshape(len(y), 1) if len(concomitant) > 0: ix = np.arange(len(y)) cols = ['Intercept'] + concomitant vals = pd.DataFrame([], columns=cols, index=ix, dtype=float) for col in cols: if col == 'Intercept': vals.loc[ix, col] = 1 else: vals.loc[ix, col] = subset.loc[idx_take, col].values scale = vals.std() center = vals.mean() # If std == 0 (e.g. for the Intercept), set center=0 and scale=1 center[scale == 0] = 0 scale[scale == 0] = 1 logitx = {'values': vals, 'scale': scale, 'center': center, 'is_standardized': False} # standardize data if control.standardize = True (default) if control.standardize is True: func.standardize(logitx) # TODO trncated check for filter, bzw erstmal ganz raus # If truncated family is used: y has to lie within the truncation # points as density is not defined outside the range ]left, right[. if (control.truncated is True) and ( (y.min() < control.left) or (y.max() > control.right)): log.critical('Data %s outside of specified range for truncation ' '(left = %.2f, right = %.2f)' % (predictor, control.left, control.right)) raise ValueError('Data exceeds truncation range, log for details') # # - Call the according model # self.optimizer = None if len(concomitant) == 0:'Calling Foehnix.no_concomitant_fit') self.no_concomitant_fit(y, control) else:'Calling Foehnix.unreg_fit') self.unreg_fit(y, logitx, control)'Estimation finished, create final object.') # Final coefficients of the concomitant model have to be destandardized if self.optimizer['ccmodel'] is not None: if logitx['is_standardized'] is True: coef = func.destandardized_coefficients( self.optimizer['ccmodel']['coef'], logitx) else: coef = self.optimizer['ccmodel']['coef'] else: coef = None # If there was only one iteration: drop a warning if self.optimizer['iter'] == 1: log.critical('The EM algorithm stopped after one iteration!\n' 'The coefficients returned are the initial ' 'coefficients. This indicates that the model as ' 'specified is not suitable for the data. Suggestion: ' 'check model (e.g, using model.plot() and ' 'model.summary(detailed = True) and try a different ' 'model specification (change/add concomitants).') # store relevant data within the Foehnix class self.filter_method = filter_method self.filter_obj = filter_obj self.predictor = predictor self.concomitant = concomitant self.control = control self.switch = switch self.coef = pd.Series(self.optimizer['theta']).copy() self.coef['concomitants'] = coef self.inflated = n_inflated self.predictions = None # Calculate the weighted standard error of the estimated # coefficients for the test statistics. # 1. calculate weighted sum of squared residuals for both components res_c1 = (y - self.coef['mu1']) * (1 - self.optimizer['post']) res_c2 = (y - self.coef['mu2']) * self.optimizer['post'] mu1_se = np.sqrt(np.sum(res_c1**2) / (np.sum((1 - self.optimizer['post'])**2) * (np.sum(1 - self.optimizer['post']) - 1))) mu2_se = np.sqrt(np.sum(res_c2**2) / (np.sum(self.optimizer['post']**2) * (np.sum(self.optimizer['post']) - 1))) # Standard errors for intercept of mu1(component1) and mu2(component2) self.mu_se = {'mu1_se': mu1_se, 'mu2_se': mu2_se} # The final result, the foehn probability. Creates an object of the # same class as the input "data" (currently only pandas.DataFrame!) # with two columns. The first contains the final foehn probability # (column name prob), the second column contains a flag. The flag is as # follows: # - NaN if not modelled (data for the model not available). # - 0 if foehn probability has been modelled, data not left out due # to the filter rules. # - 1 if the filter removed the observations/sample, not used for # the foehn classification model, but no missing observations. # The following procedure is used: # - By default, use NaN for both columns. # - If probabilities modelled: set first column to the modelled # a-posteriory probability, set the second column to TRUE. # - If observations removed due to the filter options: set first column # to 0 (probability for foehn is 0), set the second column to FALSE. # Foehn probability (a-posteriori probability) tmp = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['prob', 'flag'],, dtype=float) # Store a-posteriory probability and flag = TRUE tmp.loc[idx_take, 'prob'] = self.optimizer['post'].reshape(len(y)) tmp.loc[idx_take, 'flag'] = 1.0 # Store prob = 0 and flag=0 where removed due to filter rule tmp.loc[filter_obj['bad']] = 0.0 # store in self self.prob = tmp.copy() # Store execution time in seconds self.time = time.time() - start_time
[docs] def no_concomitant_fit(self, y, control): """Fitting foehnix Mixture Model Without Concomitant Model. Parameters ---------- y : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Covariate for the components of the mixture model control : :py:class:`foehnix.foehnix.Control` Foehnix control object """ # Given the initial probabilities: calculate parameters for the two # components (mu1, logsd1, mu2, logsd2) given the selected family and # calculate the a-posteriori probabilities. z = np.zeros_like(y) if control.switch: z[y <= np.mean(y)] = 1 else: z[y >= np.mean(y)] = 1 theta =, z, init=True) # M-step # Initial probability (fifty fifty) and inital prior probabilites for # the component membership. prob = np.mean(z) post =, prob, theta) # EM algorithm: estimate probabilities (prob; E-step), update the model # given the new probabilities (M-step). Always with respect to the # selected family. i = 0 # iteration variable delta = 1 # likelihood difference between to iteration: break criteria converged = True # Set to False if we do not converge before maxit # DataFrames to trace log-likelihood path and the development of # the coefficients during EM optimization. coefpath = pd.DataFrame([], columns=list(theta.keys())) llpath = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['component', 'concomitant', 'full']) while delta > control.tol_em: # check if we converged if (i > 0) and (i == control.maxit_em): converged = False break # increase iteration variable, here to store 1st iteration as 1 i += 1 # M-step: update probabilites and theta prob = np.mean(post) # theta =, post, theta=theta) theta =, post) # E-step: calculate a-posteriori probability post =, np.mean(prob), theta) # Store log-likelihood and coefficients of the current iteration. _ll =, post, prob, theta) llpath.loc[i, _ll.keys()] = _ll coefpath.loc[i, theta.keys()] = theta'EM iteration %d/%d, ll = %10.2f' % (i, control.maxit_em, _ll['full'])) if np.isnan(_ll['full']): log.critical('Likelihood got NaN!') raise RuntimeError('Likelihood got NaN!') # update liklihood difference if i > 1: delta = llpath.iloc[-1].full - llpath.iloc[-2].full # If converged, remove last likelihood and coefficient entries if converged: llpath = llpath.iloc[:-1] coefpath = coefpath.iloc[:-1] ll = llpath.iloc[-1].full # effective degree of freedom edf = coefpath.shape[1] # create results dict fdict = {'prob': prob, 'post': post, 'theta': theta, 'loglik': ll, 'edf': edf, 'AIC': -2 * ll + 2 * edf, 'BIC': -2 * ll + np.log(len(y)) * edf, 'ccmodel': None, 'loglikpath': llpath, 'coefpath': coefpath, 'converged': converged, 'iter': i} self.optimizer = fdict
[docs] def unreg_fit(self, y, logitx, control): """Fitting unregularized foehnix Mixture Model with Concomitant Model. Parameters ---------- y : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Covariate for the components of the mixture model logitx : dict Covariats for the concomitant model Must contain: - ``'values'`` : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` the model matrix - ``'center'`` : :py:class:`pandas.Series`, containing the mean of each model matrix row - ``'scale'`` : :py:class:`pandas:Series`, containing the standard deviation of matrix rows - ``'is_standardized'``: boolean if matrix is standardized control : :py:class:`foehnix.foehnix.Control` Foehnix control object """ # Given the initial probabilities: calculate parameters for the two # components (mu1, logsd1, mu2, logsd2) given the selected family and # calculate the a-posteriori probabilities. z = np.zeros_like(y) if control.switch: z[y <= np.mean(y)] = 1 else: z[y >= np.mean(y)] = 1 theta =, z, init=True) # M-step # Initial probability: fifty/fifty! # Force standardize = FALSE. If required logitX has alreday been # standardized in the parent function (foehnix) ccmodel = iwls_logit(logitx, z, standardize=False, maxit=control.maxit_iwls, tol=control.tol_iwls) # Initial probabilities and prior probabilities prob = logistic.cdf(logitx['values']['beta'])) post =, prob, theta) # EM algorithm: estimate probabilities (prob; E-step), update the model # given the new probabilities (M-step). Always with respect to the # selected family. i = 0 # iteration variable delta = 1 # likelihood difference between to iteration: break criteria converged = True # Set to False if we do not converge before maxit # DataFrames to trace log-likelihood path and the development of # the coefficients during EM optimization. coefpath = pd.DataFrame([], columns=list(theta.keys()) + logitx['values'].columns.tolist()) llpath = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['component', 'concomitant', 'full']) while delta > control.tol_em: # check if we converged if (i > 0) and (i == control.maxit_em): converged = False break # increase iteration variable, here to store 1st iteration as 1 i += 1 # M-step: update probabilites and theta ccmodel = iwls_logit(logitx, post, beta=ccmodel['beta'], standardize=False, maxit=control.maxit_iwls, tol=control.tol_iwls) prob = logistic.cdf(logitx['values'].dot(ccmodel['beta'])) theta =, post) # E-step: update expected a-posteriori post =, prob, theta) # Store log-likelihood and coefficients of the current iteration. _ll =, post, prob, theta) llpath.loc[i, _ll.keys()] = _ll coefpath.loc[i, theta.keys()] = theta coefpath.loc[i, ccmodel['coef'].index] = ccmodel['beta'].squeeze()'EM iteration %d/%d, ll = %10.2f' % (i, control.maxit_em, _ll['full'])) # update liklihood difference if i > 1: delta = llpath.iloc[-1].full - llpath.iloc[-2].full # If converged, remove last likelihood and coefficient entries if converged: llpath = llpath.iloc[:-1] coefpath = coefpath.iloc[:-1] ll = llpath.iloc[-1].full # effective degree of freedom edf = coefpath.shape[1] # create results dict fdict = {'prob': prob, 'post': post, 'theta': theta, 'loglik': ll, 'edf': edf, 'AIC': -2 * ll + 2 * edf, 'BIC': -2 * ll + np.log(len(y)) * edf, 'ccmodel': ccmodel, 'loglikpath': llpath, 'coefpath': coefpath, 'converged': converged, 'iter': i} self.optimizer = fdict
[docs] def predict(self, newdata=None, returntype='response'): """ Predict method for foehnix Mixture Models Used for prediction (perform foehn diagnosis given the estimated parameters on a new data set (``newdata``). If non new data set is provided (``newdata = None``) the prediction is made on the internal data set, the data set which has been used to train the foehnix mixture model. If a new data set is provided the foehn diagnosis will be performed on this new data set, e.g., based on a set of new observations when using foehnix for operational near real time foehn diagnosis. Predictions will be stored in ``self.predictions``. Parameters ---------- newdata : None or :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` ``None`` (default) will return the prediction of the unerlying training data. If a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` provided, which contains the required variables used for model fitting and filtering, a prediction for this new data set will be returned. returntype : str One of: - ``'response'`` (default), to return the foehn probabilities - ``'all'``, the following additional values will be returned: - ``density1``, density of the first component of the mixture model - ``density2``, density of the second component (foehn component) of the mixture model - ``ccmodel``, probability from the concomitant model """ if (returntype != 'response') and (returntype != 'all'): raise ValueError('Returntype must be "response" or "all".') # If no new data is provided, use the date which has been fitted if newdata is None: newdata = deepcopy( if len(self.concomitant) == 0: prob = np.mean(self.optimizer['prob']) else: logitx = np.ones([len(newdata), len(self.concomitant)+1]) concomitants = np.zeros((len(self.concomitant)+1, 1)) concomitants[0] = self.coef['concomitants']['Intercept'] for nr, conc in enumerate(self.concomitant): logitx[:, nr+1] = newdata.loc[:, conc].values.copy() concomitants[nr+1] = self.coef['concomitants'][conc] prob = logistic.cdf( # calculate density y = newdata.loc[:, self.predictor].values.copy() y = y.reshape(len(y), 1) d1 =, self.coef['mu1'], np.exp(self.coef['logsd1'])) d2 =, self.coef['mu2'], np.exp(self.coef['logsd2'])) post =, prob, self.coef) # Apply wind filter on newdata to get the good, the bad, and the ugly. filter_obj = foehnix_filter(newdata, filter_method=self.filter_method) resp = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['prob', 'flag'], index=newdata.index, dtype=float) resp.loc[:, 'flag'] = 1 resp.loc[:, 'prob'] = post resp.loc[filter_obj['ugly']] = np.nan resp.loc[filter_obj['bad']] = 0 if returntype == 'all': resp.loc[:, 'density1'] = d1 resp.loc[:, 'density2'] = d2 resp.loc[:, 'ccmodel'] = prob self.predictions = resp
[docs] def summary(self, detailed=False): """ Prints information about the model E.g. number of observations used for the classification, the filter and its effect, and the corresponding information criteria. Parameters ---------- detailed : bool If True, additional information will be printed """ sum_na = self.prob.isna().sum()['flag'] sum_0 = (self.prob['flag'] == 0).sum() sum_1 = (self.prob['flag'] == 1).sum() mean_n = self.prob.notna().sum()['flag'] mean_occ = 100 * (self.prob['prob'] >= .5).sum() / mean_n mean_prob = 100 * self.prob['prob'][self.prob['flag'].notna()].mean() # Additional information about the data/model nr = len(self.prob) print("\nNumber of observations (total) %8d (%d due to inflation)" % (nr, self.inflated)) print("Removed due to missing values %9d (%3.1f percent)" % (sum_na, sum_na / nr * 100)) print("Outside defined wind sector %11d (%3.1f percent)" % (sum_0, sum_0 / nr * 100)) print("Used for classification %15d (%3.1f percent)" % (sum_1, sum_1 / nr * 100)) print("\nClimatological foehn occurance %.2f percent (on n = %d)" % (mean_occ, mean_n)) print("Mean foehn probability %.2f percent (on n = %d)" % (mean_prob, mean_n)) print("\nLog-likelihood: %.1f, %d effective degrees of freedom" % (self.optimizer['loglik'], self.optimizer['edf'])) print("Corresponding AIC = %.1f, BIC = %.1f\n" % (self.optimizer['AIC'], self.optimizer['BIC'])) print("Number of EM iterations %d/%d (%s)" % (self.optimizer['iter'], self.control.maxit_em, ('converged' if self.optimizer['converged'] else 'not converged'))) if self.time < 60: print("Time required for model estimation: %.1f seconds" % self.time) else: print("Time required for model estimation: %.1f minutes" % (self.time/60)) if detailed: # t value and corresponding p value based on a gaussian or t-test tmp = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['Estimate', 'Std. Error', 't_value', 'Pr(>|t|)'], index=['(Intercept).1', '(Intercept).2'], dtype=float) tmp.loc['(Intercept).1', 'Estimate'] = self.coef['mu1'] tmp.loc['(Intercept).2', 'Estimate'] = self.coef['mu2'] tmp.loc['(Intercept).1', 'Std. Error'] = self.mu_se['mu1_se'] tmp.loc['(Intercept).2', 'Std. Error'] = self.mu_se['mu2_se'] tmp.loc[:, 't_value'] = (tmp.loc[:, 'Estimate'] / tmp.loc[:, 'Std. Error']) tmp.loc[:, 'Pr(>|t|)'] = 2 * norm.pdf(0, loc=tmp.loc[:, 't_value']) print('\n------------------------------------------------------\n') print('Components: t test of coefficients\n') print(tmp) # If concomitants are used, print summary if self.optimizer['ccmodel'] is not None: iwls_summary(self.optimizer['ccmodel'])
[docs] def plot(self, which, **kwargs): """ Plotting method, helper function. Parameters ---------- which : str or list of strings string(s) to select a specific plotting function. Available: - ``loglik`` (default) :py:class:`foehnix.model_plots.loglik` - ``loglikcontribution`` :py:class:`foehnix.model_plots.loglikcontribution` - ``coef`` :py:class:`foehnix.model_plots.coef` kwargs additional keyword-arguments to pass to the plotting functions. See description of the individual functions for details. """ # if isinstance(which, str): which = [which] elif not isinstance(which, list): raise ValueError('Argument must be string or list of strings.') for i in which: if i == 'loglik': model_plots.loglik(self, **kwargs) elif i == 'loglikcontribution': model_plots.loglikcontribution(self, **kwargs) elif i == 'coef': model_plots.coef(self, **kwargs) elif i == 'hist': model_plots.hist(self) elif i == 'timeseries': analysis_plots.tsplot(self, **kwargs) elif i == 'image': analysis_plots.image(self, **kwargs) else: log.critical('Skipping "%s", not a valid plot argument' % i)