Source code for foehnix.iwls_logit

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import logistic, norm
import logging
import pandas as pd

import foehnix.foehnix_functions as func

# logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: Think about making iwls_logit a class ccmodel with an method iwls_logit

[docs]def iwls_logit(logitx, y, beta=None, standardize=True, maxit=100, tol=1e-8): """ Iterative weighted least squares solver for a logistic regression model. Parameters ---------- logitx : dict Must contain: - ``'values'`` : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` the model matrix - ``'center'`` : :py:class:`pandas.Series`, containing the mean of each model matrix row - ``'scale'`` : :py:class:`pandas:Series`, containing the standard deviation of matrix rows - ``'is_standardized'``: boolean if matrix is standardized y : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` predictor values of shape(len(observations), 1) beta : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` initial regression coefficients. If None will be initialized with 0. standardize : bool If True (default) the model matrix will be standardized maxit : int maximum number of iterations, default 100. tol : float tolerance for improvement between iterations, default 1e-8. Returns ------- : dict """ # do we have to standardize the model matrix? if standardize is True: func.standardize(logitx) x = logitx['values'].values if np.isnan(x).any(): raise ValueError('Input logitx.values contains NaN!') if np.isnan(y).any(): raise ValueError('Input y contains NaN!') # check if we have columns with constant values (except one intercept). if [len(np.unique(x[:, col])) for col in range(x.shape[1])].count(1) > 1: raise ValueError('Model matrix contains columns with constant values.') # y must be within 0 and 1 if (min(y) < 0) or (max(y) > 1): raise ValueError('Values of y must be within ]0, 1[.') # Initialize regression coefficients if needed if beta is None: beta = np.zeros(x.shape[1]) eta = eta = eta.reshape(len(eta), 1) prob = logistic.cdf(eta) # Lists to trace log-likelihood path and the development of # the coefficients during optimization. llpath = [] coefpath = [] i = 1 # iteration variable delta = 1 # likelihood difference between to iteration: break criteria converged = True # Set to False if we do not converge before maxit eps = np.finfo(float).eps while delta > tol: # new weights w = np.sqrt(prob * (1-prob)) + eps beta = np.linalg.inv((x*w)*w)).dot((x*w).T).dot( eta*w + (y-prob) / w) # update latent response eta eta = # update response prob = logistic.cdf(eta) # update log-likelihood sum llpath.append(np.sum(y * eta - np.log(1+np.exp(eta)))) coefpath.append(beta) log.debug('Iteration %d, ll=%15.4f' % (i, llpath[-1])) if i > 1: delta = llpath[-1] - llpath[-2] # check if we converged if i == maxit: converged = False log.critical('IWLS solver for logistic model did not converge.') break i += 1 # If converged, remove last likelihood and coefficient entries if converged: llpath = llpath[:-1] coefpath = coefpath[:-1] # calculate standard error if logitx['is_standardized'] is True: xds = func.destandardized_values(logitx) else: xds = x beta_se = pd.Series(np.sqrt(np.diag(np.linalg.inv((xds*w)*w)))), index=logitx['values'].columns) del xds beta = coefpath[-1] # Effective degree of freedom edf = np.sum(np.diag((x*w)*w).dot( np.linalg.inv((x*w)*w))))) # Keep coefficients destandardized coef = pd.Series(beta.copy().squeeze(), index=logitx['values'].columns) if standardize is True: coef = func.destandardized_coefficients(coef, logitx) # final logliklihood ll = llpath[-1] rval = {'edf': edf, 'loglik': ll, 'AIC': -2*ll + 2*edf, 'BIC': -2*ll + np.log(len(x)) * edf, 'converged': converged, 'beta': beta, 'beta_se': beta_se, 'coef': coef, 'iter': i-1} return rval
[docs]def iwls_summary(ccmodel): """ Prints some statistics for a given concomitant model Parameters ---------- ccmodel : dict which is returned by :py:class:`foehnix.iwls_logit` """ tmp = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['Estimate', 'Std. Error', 'z_value', 'Pr(>|z|)'], index=ccmodel['coef'].keys(), dtype=float) tmp.loc[:, 'Estimate'] = ccmodel['coef'].copy() tmp.loc[:, 'Std. Error'] = ccmodel['beta_se'].copy() tmp.loc[:, 'z_value'] = (tmp.loc[:, 'Estimate'] / tmp.loc[:, 'Std. Error']) tmp.loc[:, 'Pr(>|z|)'] = 2 * norm.cdf(0, loc=np.abs(tmp.loc[:, 'z_value'])) idx = ['cc.' + k for k in list(ccmodel['coef'].index)] tmp.index = idx print('\n------------------------------------------------------\n') print('Concomitant model: z test of coefficients\n') print(tmp) print('\nNumber of IWLS iterations %d (%s)' % (ccmodel['iter'], ('converged' if ccmodel['converged'] else 'not converged'))) print("Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1.")